Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Beginnings of the Summer Journey

Ok, so from the last blog I told everyone that the journey has been wonderful, fantastic, and exciting to see what the Lord has in store. Here's the deal now. I just finished my second week in the youth internship and it was a pretty good week but tonight really really hurt my feelings. I was ready to go for a wonderful youth worship service. These kids I mind you come on wed. nights about 20-25 strong. Our youth minister went away for a class and said that he was not going to be here. He said that I was going to lead the students in worship this evening. I had a grand total of 5 students........5 ........that's it. To the five that came and that can read this...thank you for caring enough to worship a risen savior. Thank you for being faithful. To the other youth, what that is basically telling me is that you only come because the youth minister is there. Jesus tells us to follow God and not other people. A lot of people in the church follow a pastor. A BIG no no in Christianity. We are called to follow Jesus Christ, not another follower of Christ. Some people need to understand that, and I am gettting to the point where I am starting to think that people don't care about Jesus or that maybe I am not that important..... that's ok I def. understand but I hope that I do become important to make you students understand that Jesus is way more important than a minister. I promise you that because I've been building my whole life around Jesus and he's far more important. That's how it's supposed to be. Ok, so I am done with venting for this evening, now I will talk about the beginning of the Journey, I believe the church that I am serving in is to the point where the church is going to start really taking off. The pastor has such a vision and great leadership and I truley believe he is going to take this church places that it has never been and I am very excited to see what takes place throughout this summer. I hope that vacation bible school not only for the childrens ministry, but for the youth that I am serving will be a success as well, and I believe it will. God is going to do big things and as I see the big things happen, I will be sure to keep everyone updated. God Bless,


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