Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Where God has and is taking me.

This is sort of the end of the semester kind of post, and so with everything that has been going on in my life, it has been amazing to see the Lord at work here at my university and as well as in the lives of whom I come in contact with. The cool thing is God created it all. He created everyone's minds, hearts, desires, life etc... that alone is so beautiful in the fact that everything he created is good and his plans, his desires are so much better than we can imagine. In Jeremiah Ch.10 Vs. 12 it says that God created and made everything by His power, he founded the world by His wisdom, and stretched out the heavens by His understanding.... WOW just take a second to think about that every single thing that is living and non-living, who's living, and who has lived... He created..... That will never ever stop blowing my mind..... I can not even phathom or begin to understand that kind of power haha obviously because I'm human just like everyone else. But it has been truly amazing to see where God started me this semester and where I am now.... there has been some plans that I had that I thought would happen did NOT happen, and because of that... things seemed to work out for the better of my benefit which is pretty awesome. There has been some heartache, some sorrow, and some grieving, but one thing I do know within all of that terrible storm, that strengthened my faith in the Lord like you would never believe. Now I will say that my life hasn't always been bad, there has been some awesome times this semester when I have laughed so hard to the point where I thought I couldn't breathe, there has been times where I've felt like I was on top of the world. But heres what I would like to sort of end this post.... it says in 1st corinthians 10:31, Paul says that what ever we do whether it would be eating or drinking or what ever do it all for the Glory of God!! Even in the times where you are down and out. This is where the Lord has taken me, I am sort of winding down for the semester and heading into the summer working all the time pretty much and I will be doing a youth minister internship at a church in W. Cola. SC this summer. I am excited to see where the Lord is going to take me from there... well let's Hope the ride will be good haha. God Bless,

Michael <><

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